Central Calibration Services Ltd can trace its roots back to the 1980s when Peter Blackwell started working in the force calibration field.
Peter Blackwell – After starting in 1967 with a mechanical engineering apprenticeship at British Timken, Peter moved on to develop an interest in electronics and instrumentation at Plessey and Testwell, including achieving his degree in Electronic Engineering and instrumentation, before moving into force calibration in 1982 at Bayliss Brown.
Peter and his wife Sandy started Central Calibration Services in 1989 achieving and maintaining UKAS accreditation throughout.
Peter has always been a family man and enjoys spending time with his wife of 50 years, Sandy, his 3 daughters, son in laws and his 5 grandchildren.

In March 2021 Peter retired from day-to-day operations at Central Calibration Services. He continues to be available as a consultant to the business and has retained the Centracs Door Pressure Gauge part of the business.

John Tyrrell – trained as an electronics engineer in the early 80’s before moving in technical sales of sensors and measurement systems with customers such as Airbus, BAE, Formula 1 Race Teams, Landrover and many more.
In April 2017 he took over Total Tension Solutions Ltd a UK based manufacturer of web tension systems – website – http://tts-systems.com/ This was followed by Batbox in April 2019 the UKs largest manufacturer of handheld bat detectors – website – https://www.batbox.com/. In June 2020 he acquired Nortest, a sales, service and calibration in Materials Testing Equipment for Rubber, Polymers and Composites – website www.Nortest.co.uk Added in December 2021, ANNOx the UK and Ireland distribution and service partners for ECO Physics and ECO Medics laboratory grade NO and NOx gas analysers – www.annox.co.uk Then in June 2023 Mercury Safety Products was acquired, the UK manufacturer of Mercury Spill Kits and Accessories – www.mercurysafety.co.uk
In January 2021 – Central Calibration Services was added to the group, UKAS
accredited force calibration laboratory from 0.2N to 3MN www.ccs0280.com
John has a passion for delivering the best measurement solutions, whether it be load and force for tension, ultrasonic sonar for bats or rubber, plastics and polymer materials testing.